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2011-06-20 13:29 韩锦涛; 李素清  审核人:
【英文篇名】 The Comparative Analysis the Water Quality Changes of Fen River Upstream Region before and after the Yellow River Inpouring
【作者中文名】 韩锦涛; 李素清;
【作者英文名】 HAN Jin-tao et al(Shanxi Vocational College of Physical Education; Taiyuan; Shanxi 030006);
【作者单位】 山西体育职业学院; 山西大学黄土高原研究所;
【文献出处】 安徽农业科学, Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 编辑部邮箱 2010年 18期  
期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览  ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 汾河流域; 主要污染物变化; 水质沿程变化; 综合评价; 措施建议;
【英文关键词】 Fen River Region; Change of major pollutants; Changes in water quality along the way; Comprehensive evaluation; Measures and proposals;
【摘要】 根据汾河上游区域1985~1995年水质资料,采用单因子评价方法和水质指数法,对汾河上游沿途进行取样分析。结果表明:在2003年黄河水进入前后,汾河上游污染物浓度和种类有一定变化,主要表现在水质类别大多从Ⅱ、Ⅲ类上升为Ⅳ类以上;黄河向汾河输水期间沿程水质化学需氧量、氨氮及高锰酸盐指数从喇嘛湾—万家寨水库—汾河头马营口—宁化—东寨—河岔—汾河水库均呈明显下降趋势;东寨水质好于其他取样点。
【英文摘要】 The water quality data of Fen River upstream region during 1985-1995 was used.The Fen River water samples which along the way of the upstream region were analysed by the single-factor evaluation and water quality index methods.The results showed that the concentrations and types of pollutant were changed after the Yellow River water entered the upstream region in 2003 and mainly showed the water quality categories changed from the Ⅱ,Ⅲ to above Ⅳlevel.The chemical oxygen demand,ammonia nitrogen and permangan...
【基金】 山西省自然科学基金项目(2007011079)
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