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Academician Liu Changming Speaks Highly of the Center
2011-06-21 20:10  

Academician Liu Changming said highly of the center’s studies on drainage areas: The Center of Scientific Development in the Fenhe River Area has made outstanding studies on drainage areas, which are innovative, original and promising. I am very impressed.

On July 4, 2010, Professor Liu Changming visited the Center of Scientific Development in the Fenhe River Area and delivered a lecture on water resource and drainage area management. Professor Liu is the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a renowned expert on hydrology and water resource. He also works as the editor of eight academic journals and the director or vice director of a number of associations. Professor Liu has made theoretical and methodological breakthroughs in runoff modes, hydrological experiment, engineering hydrology, forestry hydrology and environmental hydrology and water resource.

The lecture attracted a large audience, including the researchers, doctoral and MA candidates and college students of the College of Urban and Tourism Studies. Before the lecture, Professor Liu first listened to the reports given by the center director, Professor Wang Shangyi, and his fellow researchers on the development and research of the College of Urban and Tourism Studies and the Center of Scientific Development in the Fenhe River Area. Afterwards in his lecture, Professor Liu highlighted the importance of the study on resources as an interdisciplinary area integrating natural sciences and social sciences.  Then he talked on a wide range of issues, such as the differences between water resource management and drainage area management, the complexity of the water system and its management, the development and transformation of the world’s water resources, global water partnership, integrated water resource management (IWRM), the complicated relationship between water resources and other systems like population, society, economy, ecology and environment, the zero growth of water demand, etc.

After the lecture, Professor Liu answered the audience’s questions on the floods and droughts of Southern China, water reservoirs and earthquakes, and water environment restoring. Then on the guestbook of the Center of Scientific Development in the Fenhe River Area, Professor Liu wrote: I hereby convey my congratulations on the establishment of the Center of Scientific Development in the Fenhe River Area. I hope you will focus on historical drainage area studies, develop more new disciplines, make more breakthroughs in geology and promote the sustainable development of Shanxi Province as well as China.

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